Belgian Shelter Half Poncho

The Belgian Shelter Half Poncho is an authentic Belgian Army poncho that is patterned after the USGI Shelter Half Poncho. These ponchos are designed to connect two together and then be deployed in numerous configurations to provide overnight shelter for soldiers in the field. The versatility of this style of shelter has been well established and combat proven for decades and continues to be preferred by campers, hikers, and outdoors enthusiasts.

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The Belgian Shelter Half Poncho is another modern military version of the standard NATO shelter half. These shelter halves can be put together to form the center piece of a shelter that is ideal for use by two soldiers for overnight sleeping or to stay out of inclement weather. When used individually, the shelter half is worn like a rain poncho that is over-sized to go over and completely cover up a soldier's rucksack and combat gear.

There are numerous YouTube videos that show how you can utilize these ponchos to create effective shelters in various configurations. Once you see how simple and versatile these shelter halves are, you will want to ensure you buy enough for current use and future availability. If you do not have any immediate plans to go camping overnight, these shelter halves worn as a rain poncho are perfect for use during the summer storm season. You are able to protect yourself, your clothes, and your backpack from the rain with this military grade poncho that is priced far less than imported commercial ponchos.

  • Authentic Belgian Army Poncho Shelter Half
  • Made from Tough Water Resistant Vinyl
  • US-Style - Patterned After USGI Poncho Shelter Half
  • Can Be Worn As Poncho
  • Attach Two to Create Shelter
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Belgian Army Surplus
Overall Rating
Good Shelter Half At Great Price
Review by Randy
Rubberized material works better at keeping out rain and water compared to US canvas shelter halves. Can't beat the price. They are used so there are small defects but still usable.
Overall Rating
Solid but one had some issues
Review by David
Missing buttons, I'll have to figure a work around. As a lean to it worked fine.
The material is very heavy duty like an industrial rain coat.
I will likely buy more.
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