German Grey Wool Scarf

These unissued surplus scarves are big, comfy and warm. But what else would you expect from a scarf made from the finest virgin wool fibers in all of Deutschland? Sure, winter's biting cold weather is gone for now, but it will be back. And when it returns, you will be ready because you thought ahead and purchased a German grey wool scarf from

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Each German grey wool scarf offered by is an authentic piece of German military surplus. These scarves were once pieces of standard-issue equipment and would have been originally designed for and issued to service men and women enlisted in the German heer, or army, which is one of the five service branches that makes up the Bundeswehr, otherwise known as the unified armed forces of Germany.

Despite being considered military surplus, each German grey wool scarf appears to be completely unissued and unused. As such, these scarves remain in excellent condition and are ready to keep you warm on the coldest winter evening.

As noted, each German grey wool scarf is unissued, meaning they are also free from the typical rips, tears and stains that often plague previously issued military surplus equipment. Surprisingly, they even lack that familiar military surplus smell, a quality that stems from what we can only assume was proper storage. Still, prospective buyers should expect to wash each scarf prior to use. Those looking for a unique piece of German military history or a cheap wool scarf that rivals those found on Rodeo Drive.

Featuring a full wool construction, the German grey wool scarf is available in everyone's favorite color, grey. There is not much to be said about this scarf, which measures approximately 57 inches in length and 14 1/2 inches in width, and provides more than enough coverage to keep you warm all winter long.

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German Army Surplus
Overall Rating
Good get
Review by Jack
Not much of a scarf person... Ordered, thinking a needle and thread would be in order with some scissors. You know, I was very surprised... It's a very nice scarf. You have no room to complain about this one. 48"X 11" after wash and even the drier. It will stretch in width a little, not in length the way it's weave goes. Good medium shade of darkish grey.
Overall Rating
A great item
Review by Jake
This is a vary nice scarf. Nice Grey color, and good length too. It is very warm.
Overall Rating
Very nice scarf
Review by W. Crow
The scarf I received appears to be new and is a soft, warm wool. It will serve well as a scarf and is long enough and wide enough that it can be used as a head wrap if necessary. It might work best in that capacity under a jacket hood.
The length was not the 57" in the description. Width was accurate, but even doing my best imitation of a scarf stretcher, I could only get it to about 49". I had planned to use it as a sash for an anorak I'd made and it just wasn't long enough. It is fine for its intended purpose.
Overall Rating
Fantastic Value!
Review by Kenneth
Ordered 2 of these. I knew if I got one the wife would take it, lol. Sure enough when they arrived I opened one and after she felt of it and 'tried it on' it disappeared! Both scarfs were new and unissued. Soft and warm with no scratchy texture. Nice tight weave and 80% wool. Plan on buying a few more before they are gone for gifts. A fantastic value for the money...thanks KeepShooting!
Overall Rating
Great Scarf
Review by Ricardo
The scarf was very well made; it kept me very warm the last month. It was an awesome deal, I would've paid twenty dollars and still would have been happy.
Overall Rating
Surprisingly soft
Review by Ben
I was expecting a somewhat rough wool scarf that would keep me warm, but was pleasantly surprised by just how smooth and comfortable this scarf is. I can't wait until it gets cold enough to really use this!
Overall Rating
Warm neck
Review by Richard
I just received three of these. One was a bit longer than the other two, and one had a nice navy blue stripe on both ends. Overall they are all great. Nice tight weave, good condition and unbeatable price. Another great find! Don't hesitate to purchase these they are very nice.
Overall Rating
Great scarf
Review by Harry
A great scarf. I don't think you can get a better and warmer scarf at any price. I will be wearing it every cold day, and there is a lot of them in Boston. Thank you KS
Overall Rating
Great Product
Review by Jose USMCR
I purchased this item just before the big chill! It was a bit musty when I purchased it but after hand washing it the smell was gone. Wool unlike cotton will keep you warm even when wet. At this price I would buy a bunch!
Overall Rating
Now this is a scarf
Review by Logan
Pleasantly surprised with how nice these were. No surplus smell to them and actually nice enough for everyday wear. I was impressed!
Overall Rating
This made me a 'scarf person.'
Review by Simon
Before I purchased this, I had never really been a big fan of scarves. I thought "It's just a strip of fabric; how warm can it be?" Then I saw one of these for sale, and given how cheap they are, I figured I might as well go ahead and try it. I'm glad I did.

I wear this scarf all the time. So far, it's kept me plenty warm this winter. It's pretty heavy material, but it's light enough that it isn't uncomfortable. Although it's a wool/polyester blend (I think that's what the tag said), it's not at all itchy, so I can wrap it around my face without having to scratch all the time.
Overall Rating
Just what I needed.
Review by Dunthyon
The scarf is of a very soft, light material, and wraps easily around your neck without a hint of an itchy feeling anywhere, and is very comfortable. Paired with the Czech Parka, and a Russian Ushanka, you have yourself a warm winter bundle!
Overall Rating
Review by Dan
This is why I like surplus, high quality and CHEAP!
Overall Rating
Review by Jim
Overall Rating
Cool piece
Review by Bradley
Love this scarf. Very nice item. Can not wait for the cold weather.
No more cold neck. Looks good too.
Overall Rating
An excellent scarf
Review by Simon
Items like this are one of the big reasons why I purchase military surplus. This scarf costs less than three dollars, and yet it is among the finest cold-weather face covers I own. It's very soft, and extremely warm. While it is not visually striking, it is most certainly worth what I paid for it, and it ought to serve me well in the coming winter.
Overall Rating
Excellent product
Review by Bradley
Wishing for a cold spell so I can use this scarf. Great item and as shown on website. Will say it again, excellent product.
Overall Rating
good deal ill be buying some
Review by Marcel
looks good must be
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