German Snow Camo Poncho

The German Military Snow Camo Poncho is a current issue poncho that is used by the German Army for camouflage in the snow. With Winter hunting becoming increasingly popular, these ponchos are great for cover while hunting. Our customers who enjoy air soft battles have also used these for winter time battle scenarios.

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The German Army operates in all parts of Germany and participates in NATO led exercises in Europe. With virtually all parts of Europe located in areas that are exposed to snow conditions, the German army has issued and used these snow camouflage ponchos. These ponchos are designed to be quickly worn over top of a soldiers combat gear, so they are over-sized by design.

With Winter coming, these snow camouflage ponchos will be in demand by sportsmen who enjoy the challenge of a Winter hunt. Far from being only useful for hunting in the snow, the possible uses for these ponchos is really only limited to your own imagination. One of the more creative uses we have heard from customers is as a high quality paint smock.

  • Authentic German Army Snow Camo Poncho
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German Army Surplus
Overall Rating
Brand spanking new!
Review by Thomas
If anyone tells you it ain't waterproof just put water in it for an hour and see for your self it does not soak through! For ten bucks you have a new canvas snow outershell! I bought this to put over my Russian shelter half to conceal it in winter! That is the Polish Lavuu shelter half mislabeled as a Russian shelter half I bought many times before from Keepshooting because they are new and waterproof! Thank you!

Overall Rating
Good winter survival option
Review by Survivalism is Freedom
This snow poncho provides an additional layer against the wind and some level of camouflage in snowy environments. For the price it is a good deal.
Overall Rating
A bargain at twice the price
Review by Gbrick
The two I recieved appear to be a heavy cotton or muslin. They are heavy enough to provide backup protection against cold wether. I would buy again.
Overall Rating
Even nicer than I thought it would be.
Review by Jeffrey
Brand new condition. Extra big so it fits over most rucksacks. Has various ties to cinch it up. Effective winter camo pattern.
Overall Rating
High Quality, great deal
Review by Patrick
Great camouflage, and great price, the poncho has small slots for your arms as well to make it easier to wear
Overall Rating
Great for camouflage
Review by KP Duty
Price is hard to beat and would work great for camouflage. It traps heat so it does make things warmer but it isn’t really meant to keep you warm.
Overall Rating
Good deal
Review by tim
Buy these if you want some snow camouflage and don't want to spend a bunch. They are dirt cheap and plenty effective.
Overall Rating
Good deal
Review by tim
Buy these if you want some snow camouflage and don't want to spend a bunch. They are dirt cheap and plenty effective.
Overall Rating
great for prep units
Review by Michael
I did my hunting buddies a little favor by making it possible for them all to go out in the field and blend in during snowy season. Time doesn't stop when it snows and neither will we. Just stop moving to disappear!
Overall Rating
Snow Camo Poncho
Review by J.
Great deal for five high quality ponchos.
Overall Rating
good bulk price
Review by Marcel
cheap but good quality,
Overall Rating
Review by Boyle
Won't find them cheaper any where else.
Overall Rating
Not what I expected
Review by USAF-ORF
In the service we used ponchos like these mostly for Camouflage.
The material is not very thick. So not much insulation in the cold. Over time they can loose there waterproof. I was able to improve them buy washing them and then treating with water proofing Kiwi spray.
Overall Rating
Great Quality
Review by Cody
This camo is a very high quality and its a GREAT VALUE!
Overall Rating
these are a steal
Review by Brian
For the price you can't beat these. I'll be keeping two in the car for cold-weather emergencies, two in the basement with the emergency supplies, and still have one for regular use when the dog wants to play snow frisbee!
Overall Rating
Excellent Snow Camouflage
Review by Kenneth
These ponchos are great. You can put them on and off on a whim as your terrain dictates. They pack very easy.
These are a great value also. Cheapest that I have seen.
Overall Rating
No better deal out there
Review by Thomas
These are the best bang for your buck on the site right now. I outfitted the whole family. Can't wait to try it out in the snow.
Overall Rating
Super Awesome
Review by kenneth
Man I have always wanted one of these ponchos and now I have 5 Can you believe it 5. I can now stash these where I need them. I can not wait for winter to come and give these a much deserved work out.
Overall Rating
That's a great price.
Review by Manyclunkers
These are great for their intended purpose, winter camouflage. As other reviewers have already stated they are thick and well made. I don't know what I am going to do with mine. Maybe give them to kids so they can rule the neighborhood during a snow ball fight.
I purchased two of them off of another site a while back for the same price Keepshooting is selling five of them for. So, that's a good price.
Overall Rating
Ready for winter hunting or paintball
Review by rodney
Great for being (unseen) during snow events and paintball during snowfall. Good quality cotton. A few show signs of small mildew spots. Still in good shape. Cant make 5 of them yourself for this price. You many never need them, buy hey, hard to hide in snow or snow covered areas without a snow camo poncho. I am a big guy, plenty of room for us big guys.
Overall Rating
Great item
Review by Dirk
Some looked new, some used, but all are good quality. Perfect for hunting on those dreary fall and winter days.
Overall Rating
good buy
Review by tim
It is a good deal. I ordered 10 total, 7 were lightly used with some dirt and light stains (mostly on the folded edges from storage) and most stains came out (with the exception of some black grease on one but it looks like another camo spot), the other 3 looked new old stock. Even the little stains that did not wash out would be fine as its camo and going to be in the field anyway. Shipping on 10 ponchos was 18 lbs so they are good quality. I outfitted my hunting buddies for 30$ plus shipping!
Overall Rating
Very Nice
Review by Custom2006
I was completely surprised at the quality of these ponchos! They are thick and the material feels of quality. I used one when I went hunting last weekend and it worked out great. The color pattern is perfect for blending in the woods. I would recommend these to anyone for twice the price.
Overall Rating
Great Ponchos!
Review by IlLupo
These will be perfect for winter airsoft! A real bargain considering the quality of the ponchos is very good, plus you get five of them!
Overall Rating
Nice Deal
Review by Flemming
This is a great deal. While I bought this mainly because it was cheap, I was surprised at the quality of the ponchos when they came. One out of five looked like it was used, the other four looked brand new.

Not sure what I will do with five of these, but will certainly try them next time it snows here in PA.
Overall Rating
Awesome deal
Review by SinoSoviet
These are great all purpose ponchos. While they aren't rain proof they are high quality and clean. I used this for painting this weekend and can't imagine painting again without one.
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