Gunshot Wound DVD

Imagine you're at the shooting range and the guy next to you has an accidental discharge that hits your friend or loved one! What would you do? The hospital is 30-45 minutes away on a good day and it will take an ambulance 45-60 minutes to respond. What should you do to help this person have a better chance of survival? Get this Gunshot Wound First Aid DVD and be prepared!

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  • Learn to Access and Evaluate Gunshot Wounds
  • How to Minimize Bleeding and Trauma
  • How to Prepare the Wound for Transportation
  • How to Handle Shock and Victim Duress
  • Live Saving First Aid Techniques
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Overall Rating
Great entry level training
Review by Ian
Watching this won't make you a surgeon but it is great entry level information and training. I have all my students watch this before live fire commences.
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