.308 Broken Shell Extractor

The 308 Broken Shell Extractor is an essential tool to have for any time you take your favorite 308 rifle to the range. With case ruptures happening with even factory ammunition, this simple-to-use tool ensures that your ready to handle this issue when it happens. Authentic military-spec gunsmith tool, these were made for use by the Italian Army but were never issued making them both functional and collectible military gunsmith tools.

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Italian Army Surplus Header


  1. .308 Broken Shell Extractor
  2. Authentic Italian Army Surplus
  3. Unissued Condition
  4. Made to NATO Specifications
  5. Essential Tool for All 308 / 7.62x51 Rifles
  6. Made in Italy
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Overall Rating
You SHOULD have one of these in your range bag
Review by Mark
It is better have one of these and never use it than to not have one and NEED it. Fit and quality are good for the money.
Overall Rating
different style
Review by Michael
The ones that I'm used to have a rimmed head and can be extracted using the bolt. This one will require a rigid cleaning rod to tap it back out. It will work well from the look though.
Overall Rating
you'll need it badly
Review by Michael
You may make it through life never needing one of these life saving little tools, but the day you tear off a case head, you will be wishing you would have grabbed one! I haven't had to use one in 308 yet, but I'm due any day I suppose.
Overall Rating
Nothing quite like it
Review by RemMax
I have owned these in various military caliber (308, 7.62x54R, 223, etc) and had carried them for years never needing one.
Never gave them much though in their little pouch I keep them in buried in the bottom of my range bag.
UNTIL..... that day came when I broke my first case neck off in my 50BMG and in the middle of a tournament had to run to the next range to borrow the 50bmg version to get that case neck out.
Then again didn't think about these until last weekend when I blew a Mil-surp shell apart in my PSL.
Dug the trusty ol Broken Shell Extractor out of the bottom of my range bag and walla, popped that broken shell case right out in a matter of seconds.
I'll not think so little of them again.
This is one of those tools you don't need very often but when you need it nothing else will do!
I recommend you buy one for every caliber you shoot mil-surp ammo in and keep them in your range bag at all times!
Well worth it then you need it.
Overall Rating
Essential shooting tool
Review by Michael
Every shooter needs to have one of these for every caliber, especially if you a using surplus or suspect ammo. This is the only way to safely remove a broken case without damaging your expensive new toy. As usual, KS has these priced right.
Overall Rating
Must Have!
Review by Jose USMCR
This is a must have if your are shooting steel cased ammo. Steel is more brittle and more breakage prone. I have never had a problem with brass ammo but I have seen steel cases get good and stuck.
Overall Rating
.308 Broken Shell Extractor
Review by Brian
I like to have one of these for every rifle I own. I haven't found any better than those from KeepShooting.
Overall Rating
looks brand new!!
Review by Matthew
looked brand new, hope i never have to use it!!!
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