M16 Magazine Speed Loader

This is British military contract M-16/AR-15 magazine speed loader.  This speed loader is used by all European NATO military forces to load M-16 magazines or their equivalent.

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Simply snap this loader on top of a M-16 magazine, and it acts as a guide for common 10rd stripper clips.

Marked with Part# 8476605
NSN: 1005-21-898-7808

Looking for M16 Full Auto Parts?  We've got M16 Hammer, M16 Trigger, M16 Selector, M16 Disconnector, and M16 Auto Sear Assembly for sale!

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Overall Rating
load em
Review by Timothy
i got one years ago and still have it. ordered more because all my friends and family are asking to use mine.
Overall Rating
Best Speed Loader for AR mags!
Review by RemMax
I have several types of speed loaders for my AR's and this is as good as they get
As long as you have stripper clips you can load those at home for long term storage them when you need them just shove in 10 rounds at a time
Loads a 30 round mag in under 3 seconds if your stripper clips are loaded
Overall Rating
Works Great!!!!
Review by David
Single rounds work fine but this simple item really shines when using stripper clips. Reload near the speed of light. No more pinched fingertips. Get yours today.
Overall Rating
good for the price
Review by Ricky
For the price this works great and even works with my pmags. You can load single rounds into the loader and use it as you would with a striper clip
Overall Rating
wish i got one sooner!!!
Review by Matthew
works very well with the SS109's
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